Schöne Weihnachten



Ich wünsche euch allen schöne Feiertage und einen guten Start ins neue Jahr!

Die Buch-Vorschau ist da!!!








Super aufregend! Jetzt während der Finalisierung unseres Bilderbuchs “Vor den 7 Bergen” ist auch schon der Katalog des Kunstanstifter-Verlags erschienen.
Eine Vorschau darauf gibt es hier im Web. Ein paar Seiten und natürlich den Titel (an dem ich auch noch ein bisschen weiter rumbasteln will …) gibt es bereits zu sehen. Das Buch wird im Frühjahr in der Buchhandlung eures Vertrauens zu finden sein. Bis dahin ist es noch ein bisschen Arbeit, denn jede Schneeflocke muss an die richtige Stelle, in diesem Buch, in dem es leider nicht schneit!










Harbour Studio

Here are some impressions of my studio aka refugium where I paint and create large format artworks. It is located in the harbour of Duisburg. We have an “open studio day” on october, 29th and 30th. You can come and have a coffee with me, if you like.

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Bild der Frau


In the last couple of month I illustrated a weekly column about consumer protection for the german magazine Bild der Frau. I was so happy when they discovered my work via my agent Susanne Koppe. Starting in march, it was a 6-month engagement. Perfect to balance my artistic development, get published to a large audience and earn some money to feed my cats. Beneath the fun I had (drawing women is one of my favorite motifs) I found out that working on a weekly illustration sounds flattering but feels challenging from time to time. I needed to evolve my practical skills to a faster and more digital way – as I work mostly analogue. I had to deliver precisely on a certain time – mostly 3, sometimes just 1 day from text briefing to final artwork – which was my greatest fear but I could manage quite easily, because this editorial department works perfectly efficient. So I had to learn and grow with this opportunity. Here’s an overview on some of the illustrations. Thanks to my nice editor Kristina Fierro Abella!




BDF_32_Camping_Idyll BDF31_parkverbot_RZ_small BDF_32_Camping_nacht_rz_small




Dominik and I packed a lot of things on our roadbikes and traveled to the coast within three days. It was really warm as we cycled in the late summer sun and we did 360 km before we arrived in Zandvoort. We stayed in Haarlem in the hostel Hello I’m Local for three nights, which I really recommend with all my heart. Haarlem, Amsterdam and the coast is a region that really inspires me.

Now I’m back (by train) at my desk – ready for new adventures in illustration and design. I’ll let you know what happens …

Have a great week.